December 11 2018
Fabien Truong's book (Radicalized Loyalties: Becoming Muslim in the West) release conference in Université de Lausanne
Fabien Truong is a sociologist at the "Centre de Recherches Sociologiques et Politiques de Paris" as part of the "Cultures et Sociétés Urbaines" (Cresppa-CSU) team and an associate professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at the Université de Paris 8.
Mr. Truong gave a conference to talk about his book Radicalized Loyalties.
- Fabien Truong became a professor in a lycée of a quartier populaire in 2005. He enjoyed the experience there (in Seine St-Denis).
- In 2010, he became a sociologist.
- Another book by Fabien Truong: "Des Capuches et des Hommes Trajectoires de "jeunes de banlieue""
- His interests: religiosity, violence, politics, body, invisible integration
Why this book?
- radicalization and islamization are excessively spoken about in France due to the repeated attacks in France.
- jeunesse de quartier populaire
Fabien Truong was contacted by a collective of inhabitants (who collected messages inhabitants) from in Grigny, which the poorest city in France
Islam & the "mauvais garçon" de la nation
Looking at the below individually:
- masculinity
- marginality
- religiosity
Relations & Process
Moments of delinquency vs long-term delinquency
To check: sous population of garçon (boys) who have a particular exposure to violence.
entering religiosity (ideological discourse)
Density & intimacy
6 cases in the book - functioning in comparison to each other - of whom are "radicalized" and compared to Amédie Coulibaly.
A desire for Islam: back to religion (religiosity) allows metaphysical questions: origins (essential links between father and son), becoming, death (these 6 boys have had friends who have violently passed away---> settling scores (kind of revenge).
Only 25% of youth in Grigny go to the lycée.
Moral question
persuasion of being in immorality, therefore, religion will lead them back to morality.
Intellectual question
Aesthetics question
Sociological question
Political question (Utopia)
Conversion (total transformation in short-time /individualist) / Reconversion
not only becoming better but also becoming better than others (communitarian fantasy (change of life))
"imaginaire politique flottant" / "politique imaginaire"
Reconversion: total rupture
War & Peace:
Becoming a warrior
How does one become a warrior?
you need to have practical skills, resources... ecological niche: Syria
the permanent present
death on the horizon
Quality and disposition
Biographical deadlock (reaching 30 years but no life)
Projection and fantasy: the boys of the second zone who do not get out of delinquincy ---> not happy with the way he's lived his life.
Prolonged consequence to violence.
2 types of population in banlieue in France:
- you succeed and leave the Banlieue
- stuck in Banlieue (radicalization of the second zone: under population worsened by violence --> people have less jobs / less work ---> sell drugs more/circulation of arms